Sunday, March 27, 2011

Question In My Head??

1. do he love me?

2. am I a good girl?

3. why I need to do assignment?

4. why I spent too many money?

5. why am I so manja with him?

6. why today so hot?

7. do I need a baby?

8. why his ex-gf bf hate him?

9. do I like to be alone?

10. Chocolate Factory syok or not?

11. why we should drink and drunk?

12. dance make me u?

13. why I am so lazy?

14. what I want to buy 1st?

15. why I wake up late?

16. why I'm nerd sometimes?

17. why there are too many works to do?

continue laterr...i'm tired...=)

recent activity :
have fun with my beloved utin and all frens...
had jumpa the new baby in family..
i couldn't sleep now coz he is not here...=(((
hope to see my babe..jbk..

p/s : peace no war and don't recrute me..=D